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MARCH 26, 2023

To all our alumni and friends,

We hope this letter finds you safe and well.  Last year was once again a record year for our scholarship fundraising efforts.  Thanks to your continued generosity, we were able to donate $66,000.00 to local, Catholic high schools and institutions.  These awards were to:

Resurrection H.S.              $13,500.00

St. Patrick H.S.                  $12,500.00

Notre Dame H.S.               $12,500.00

Regina Dominican H.S.       $11,000.00

DePaul College Prep           $11,000.00


Crow Creek Indian            $  2,500.00


This year, we are also proud to donate $3,000.00 to the Emily K Foundation in honor of the long and distinguished career of our own Mike Krzyzewski '65.  The Emily K Foundation serves to build on the academic, career, and leadership potential of students who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education.

We also continue to focus on our efforts to honor the memory of our beloved Chaplain and mentor, Fr. Francis Rog C.R., '47.  We welcome your donations to Weber High Alumni, Inc. specifically earmarked for the “Fr. Rog Scholarship Fund.”  About 10% of this year’s awards come from those specific donations.  We hope to not only increase our awards next year, but increase the percentage of those funds set aside as “Fr. Rog” donations.  We are already well on our way to achieving these goals.


Please consider making your generous donations to:


Weber High Alumni, Inc.

P.O. Box 31107

Chicago, IL 60631


We are a registered 501c3 organization.  If you desire, please note “Fr. Rog Fund” in the memo section of your check.

Our annual Golf Outing will be Monday, July 31, 2023 at White Pines Golf Club in Bensenville, IL.

Our annual Reunion Banquet will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park, IL.  Although all alumni and friends are encouraged to attend, we will be  honoring members celebrating various landmark anniversaries, especially the members of the Classes of 1963, 1973, and 1998.

Additional information on these events will be provided via mail and email, or by visiting

our website,  You can provide us your contact information

by reaching out to:


Don Tomasiewicz ’70

Scott Birmingham ’87

Joe Alagna ’70

Again, thank you for your continued generosity, participation, and support.  We look forward to building an even stronger organization in 2023!


Joseph G. Alagna '70


Weber High Alumni, Inc.

Email us at:



P.O. Box 31107  

Chicago, IL 60631

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