....the traditions live on
To our alumni and friends,
On Sunday, April 6, 2025, we will once again be celebrating the memory of our departed alumni at our annual Fr. Rog Memorial Mass. This year, we will be having the Mass at 1000am at Notre Dame College Prep, 7655 W. Dempster St, Niles, IL 60714. (Please enter the building via the main entrance facing Dempster St.) We cordially invite you to attend. After Mass, we will be serving pastry and refreshments. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to: Scott Birmingham (at, or me (at so we can plan accordingly.
Although we choose regularly to honor those alumni and friends who have passed away during the previous year, this year's Mass is particularly special to us, insomuch as lost the heart and soul of our organization, Don Tomasiewicz '70, on October 29.2024. "Little Donny" had been the catalyst behind our growing success over the past decade. His presence will be missed, but his spirit remains deep in our hearts and minds as we press forward to continue the cause he served so diligently and tirelessly.
Although there is no charge for the event, this honor Donny's memory, we ask that you consider a generous donation to Weber High Alumni, Inc. If you are so inclined, please make your check payable to Weber High Alumni, Inc., and please note “in honor of Little Donny" on your check, which can be mailed to: Weber High Alumni, Inc. P.O. Box 31107, Chicago, IL 60631.
Thanks to your continued generosity, we should be able to set yet another record of donations to local, Catholic high schools for scholarships to deserving students.....surpassing last year's total of 78,000.00.
Representatives of these various schools will be in attendance at our Mass as well. We’ll present our awards to these schools after Mass.
Mark your calendars for our Golf Outing on July 28, 2025 at White Pines Golf Club in Bensenville, IL, as well as our Annual Reunion Banquet on October 11, 2025 at Allegra Banquets in Schiller Park, IL. More information on these events will follow.
We again appreciate your friendship, participation, and support.
With regards to all,
Joseph G. Alagna ‘70
Weber High Alumni, Inc.
Many thanks to all alumni and friends for your participation and generosity over the past. With your continued support, we can provide funding for the education of young men and women in the Chicagoland area.

Our Association exists for a twofold purpose. Not only do we provide financial support to deserving students for higher education, but also to foster the connections between the thousands of Weber alumni across the country.
Joe Alagna, President
Class of 1970

Thanks to the generosity of many of our alumni, we were
able to acknowledge and honor the memories of so many hard-fought victories in the Palmer Ave. gymnasium. Northwest Middle School, the current school occupying the old Weber High School, has provided enthusiastic support of our efforts to keep the memory of our school alive and well. We appreciate the friendship and cooperation of the staff and students of Northwest Middle School.